Jesus is My Companion
by Yana Venturino
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 30.000 x 0.500 inches
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Jesus is My Companion
Yana Venturino
Painting - Acrylic Paint, And Glitter On Canvas
I was dancing with Jesus in the Universe Sky.
He was holding me while I surrendered to the dance of our lives.
There were feathers all around me, and I heard angelical sounds.
I was wearing a white dress to symbolize purity and growth.
He said: As we dance, I will show you from the beginning until the end of creation.
We may dance in celebration.
How pure is this dance? How pure can we make it?
It's so sweet and full.
In the universe and until the end, I will hold you and teach you how to dance in the sky.
One day you may want to dance all the time.
You will dance with no fear of falling.
I am here holding you by the hand.
Like a bride, you are pure.
Like an angel, you are kind.
Follow my steps and you will see.
You will find yourself celebrating in love the peace.
All the beauty of me.
It’s how you flow with life.
It’s like a dance. You will see.
“And be sure of this: I will be with you always, even to the end of age Matt 28:20”
May 30th, 2023
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